Yes! Sometimes I get so discouraged by capitalism that I think we should just go after racism and leave capitalism for another day. But your article seems to suggest that racism is a "feature" of capitalism, and antiracism has failed partly because it hasn't embraced anti-capitalism.
Whenever antiracism has embraced anti-capitalism the system has gotten scared pretty quick. We will recall that Dr. King was assassinated while supporting striking workers, and Bobby Kennedy was killed while advocating for the rights of poor people.
Recently the Antifa anarchists were merged with the George Floyd protests and that set off a lot of alarms. But it also weakened the credibility of the antiracists - at least to people like my dad.
We need white working people to see common cause with other working people everywhere. Instead racism works to cut us off from our natural allies. Makes us think that we should be grateful for our position in the middle - In Derrick Bell's book he said that the white working class is stuck down the well, just like the most of the Black population, just that the white folks are only halfway down. Instead of working together to get everyone out of the well, the white working people are stuck looking down at the faces at the bottom of the well. Basically Bell says that the system we currently have is f****d, and he fights it anyway.
I need to read more from Wise before I can say that he doesn't agree with you. I think he might have some harsh words for establishment Democrats. I know he focuses on the Tea Party in this book, but it was 2012.
Personally, I take a two track policy. I want to change the whole system. And I know that I still live in this system. Our current system only allows two parties - so I work to elect Democrats. I have friends who have given up on the Dems (maybe you?). I think the danger represented by the current batch of Republicans is some unthinkable shit.
Thanks for reading with us. If you have a book idea send it my way. I was think about The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and the other David.