Thanks for the mention, and I love the idea of a daily essay. In months when I can publish more, I see a snowball effect for readers and engagement. It feels like a lot when I write two or three stories a week. Every day? Way to go! I'll keep reading!
Update: I was thinking about the value of persistence. When I write about any topic that goes against the dominant culture, I feel like I need extra attention in order to think clearly. It is almost as if the dominant culture has a sort of “fog of confusion” spell that I have to fight through. Some of my best thinking comes after I have deliberately kept my attention on a topic despite the pull to disengage. I feel like working against the dominant culture is like peeling back layers. After a long bout of fighting to understand something, I might come to a new understanding that is still flawed but closer to the truth. Then I find more richness with more engagement and I expose a new layer to the light of attention.
The more I write (and read), the deeper I go and the more I learn.