Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
I think what you are saying is that the hyper-concentration of wealth is the real culprit in pretty much all oppression, and that the wealthy create money by manufacturing debts that we all have to pay. Essentially all the other ways that oppression works are just the means that the ultra-wealthy use to control the rest of us. Furthermore, I think you are saying that it isn’t just capitalism that is driving this concentration of wealth, but rather capitalism is just one of the means that the oligarchy uses to enrich themselves.
By your logic, race and racism are subordinate to inequality, and therefore to address white supremacy is to miss the point.
I do agree with your underlying premise. Whiteness is a social construct that was invented to facilitate the accumulation of wealth by a few people. The vast majority of white people are not owning class ultra-rich, and so when we participate in and benefit from and/or are hurt by racism, we are missing the point that we should all find solidarity with other working people, regardless of race or anything else.
I think we need to reject race and racism as a society and get to the kind of solidarity you are talking about. But in order to do that I think we need to see how race currently functions. We need to claim it and then clean it up.
I am reminded of how a century ago, when the labor unions were much stronger, race was used as a wedge to undermine labor. Likewise, in those times, sexism functioned within organized labor in a way that undermined access to the power of half of the working class. As long as people fail to clean up racism and sexism and nationalism and classism and other isms, we will never get to the kind of consciousness and solidarity needed to undermine the global oligarchy.
As an aside, I have concerns about any time we point to a single source for the world's problems that involves “the bankers.” I think that many conspiracy nuts have a belief that there is a secret group of Jews who control the world’s banks and are trying to control everyone else. This anti-semitic bullshit has been used by the rest of the owning class for centuries in order to generate a scapegoat. Any time things get rough for the working class, anti-semitism rises predictably.