Why I Shouldn’t Ignore Family Stories About Native Ancestors

Andrew Gaertner
6 min readMar 21, 2021


A version of this essay first appeared in March of 2021 in the Hay River Review, a monthly newspaper published in Prairie Farm, WI. It is a companion piece to the essay published in February which stated why I have come to focus on my white European ancestry.

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One of my goals as a genealogist is to distinguish (to quote mixed-race author Darnella Davis) “who we are” from “who we think we are.” As a child, I was fascinated by our family story of Native American heritage. Although I am pale white, my late brother, Peter, had darker skin and higher cheekbones, and he turned olive brown in the summer. We assumed that was due to the Native DNA. This story is not unusual.

Many white people in the U.S. have real or imagined connections to Indigenous ancestors. As I go after a deeper understanding of who I am, I have come to mostly focus on understanding — and attempting to own — my European heritage. I am white, and seeing the impact of my white identity is a challenge for me. However, that family story is still there, and to ignore it entirely risks erasing true stories of Indigenous people to whom I am connected. Erasure is also a problem.

As a genealogist, I pay close attention to family stories. They are the beginning, middle, and end of a journey of discovery. There is usually some truth in there, and small details from a family story can unlock new branches of a family tree, corroborating sometimes ambiguous documents.

One family story: My grandma told us that my great-great-grandfather went out for a loaf of bread and never came back. This event had a big impact on the life of my grandma and was the starting point for my search through online documents. I eventually found evidence of this ancestor, living in Cleveland with a new wife and child. Without the story, I would have never known to look.

I encourage everyone to get a tape recorder, or a notebook, and interview your oldest relatives. Bring your family tree and old photo albums along and ask about specific people and places. Even small details can prove vital to research and to your connection with your family history.

In my attempt to verify my Indigenous ancestry, I have not found a documented connection to any tribal ancestor. Nor did my DNA test reveal even a tiny fraction of Native American DNA. That does not mean my family stories are not true. There may be no documents available. Documents from the 18th and 19th centuries tend to cluster around white land-owning males. Before 1850, censuses only listed the male head of household. Also, because of the way DNA recombines, our genetic ancestry can emphasize one line over another (see link below). With the current sophistication of online DNA analysis, any ancestor who is six or more generations back may not show up at all.

DNA is a terrible way to measure if someone is Indigenous, anyway. It reenacts centuries of times when white people tried to decide who was — and was not — Indigenous, usually to justify their own purposes. Specifically, it is reminiscent of the blood quantum rules, where percentages of ancestry and tribal registrations were used to deny thousands of tribal members their rights, payments, and land, as stipulated by the treaties the government agreed to follow.

A better way to claim Indigenous identity would be to look to tradition, family, and relationships, none of which I have, possibly due to the assimilation forced on Native Americans throughout our nation’s history. So, even as I focus most of my genealogy research on my white European ancestry, the persistence of my family story continues to compel me to investigate my potential Indigenous connection, not to claim anything, but to fight against the erasure of Indigenous people that is so common in white narratives.

My curiosity about my own specific family story led me to the story of the Seneca Nation leader known as Cornplanter, who has an extensive Wikipedia page. Cornplanter helped keep the Iroquois people (now known as the Haudenosaunee) neutral in the Northwest Indian War (1785–1795), which was waged by the newly-minted USA against Indigenous people in the Ohio River Valley. In 1796, he and his people signed a treaty guaranteeing them permanent ownership of 1500 acres in Western Pennsylvania. Cornplanter died in 1836, but his band continued to grow and live on and near what became known as the Cornplanter Tract.

Later, many of Cornplanter’s descendants died in the pandemic of 1918, which then (as with the current pandemic), hit Native American communities especially hard. The band’s lands were flooded during a hydroelectric project in the 1960s, and the remaining people were forced to relocate. This was their ultimate repayment for not waging war against the USA during its early years! The Seneca Nation is still here, and the Haudenosaunee people are among the leaders in the ongoing fight for the recognition of the rights of Indigenous people.

In seeking out the history of the Indigenous people I may be connected to, I stumbled upon a disturbing pattern. When engineers needed to find a site to build a dam for electric power generation, or for flood control, they often chose to flood reservation land. In the case of the Chippewa Flowage (in the HRR readership area), the dam was built in the 1920s, creating a 15,000-acre system of lakes in areas that had once been prime wild rice and hunting lands for the Lac Courte Oreilles band of Ojibwe. Despite strong opposition, the dam project went ahead.

In researching the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, I found that the construction of the Oahe Dam forced the eviction of 190 families and reduced the land available to the people there to support themselves. This is a danger of erasure: people and their claims to land are not valued.

An antidote to erasure, and stereotypical ideas about Indigenous people, is to learn the specific stories, histories, and present status of the people whose land you occupy. Along with those stories comes a recognition that the descendants of those original displaced people are still here, and are still fighting for rights and recognition. What is deeply in the past for most white people is a present-day reality for many Indigenous communities fighting to retain or re-claim resources vital to their basic survival (and guaranteed under the US Constitution’s treaty provision).

For people who grew up white, like me, by bringing Indigenous people into our minds as present-day people from specific places with specific histories, we can begin to free ourselves from harmful stereotypes and erasure. We can begin to see our common cause. Our stories are shared and interlocking. By ignoring that, we risk repeating the injustices of the past.

Ancestry research changed how I see myself and how I see history. I am still on this journey and would like you to join me. Each month, as I examine family tree research and connect it to history, I will be creating these stories. I start with my own story and I invite readers to send me questions about their family histories.

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References and notes:

Notes on recombination:

I have 50% DNA from my father and 50% from my mother, but at the level of grandparents, because of the way DNA is chosen for the sperm and the egg, we cannot assume that I have 25% DNA from each grandparent. Instead it becomes a potential range of about 18 to 32%. At the level of great grandparents, the range becomes about 6 to 18%. At the level of great-great grandparents, the average would be 6.25% DNA from each of 16 ancestors, but the range for each could go from 0% to about 12%. My best guess for my potential Indigenous ancestor would be at the G-G-G-G-G-Grandparent. At which point, even an average amount of DNA inheritance would show up as only 0.8% of my own DNA, let alone thinking about the range. So these DNA tests are good for some things, but they should not be considered definitive proof that you do or do not have specific ancestry.



Andrew Gaertner

To live in a world of peace and justice we must imagine it first. For this, we need artists and writers. I write to reach for the edges of what is possible.