LOL. Same. My partner subscribes and sometimes will ask me about a piece because she has seen the title in her email, but I know she just wants the cliffs notes version. Frankly I don't think in real life she would have attention to listen to me talk uninterrupted about anything for 6 to 15 minutes, so it doesn't surprise me. We connect in other ways, but I do wonder about this. Perhaps talking about a piece would mean that I am controlling a conversation? Or perhaps because I read and write a lot, she might think that I think I'm smarter than her, and maybe she doesn't want to encourage that? Maybe she is critical of my work and doesn't want to open a can of worms? Maybe she reads it but doesn't want to inflate my ego? I don't know, but I have given up trying to get her to read. I guess I get my writing validation from other people.