Interesting, and yes, agreed. This sort of shit messes up our politics too. Mike Dukakis was not tall enough to beat Bush I. And isn't it sad that for most political positions, being average height disqualifies a person (perhaps this only applies to men?).
I can speak from personal experience as an average height man 5'9" that it seemed that my tall friends had a much easier time attracting women.
I think this might be a holdover from the early 1900s from when there were a lot of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe and the WASP men were taller and since power was associated with WASP men, height became part of the gestalt, like a signifier for wealth and privilege.
I wonder about genetic engineering if wealthy people will soon be able to add a couple inches to their kids with just a little tweak to the genome. Then it would be an even greater signifier.
Thanks for this piece.