I think you have something about how America is weirdly race obsessed. When I lived in Honduras, there were people of all different skin colors in all walks of life and it was not unusual for people to talk about skin color in a very frank way. It was not as charged. However, there was a charge to the rich versus poor divide. People addressed each other by their professional title and showed respect to wealthy and educated people. And folks who were poor farmers would act humble in front of wealth (but not in their own communities). The clothing people wore and the mode of transportation signified rank in society much more than race. Perhaps in the USA race has been yoked to class. This benefits rich white people because it prevents the working and middle class whites from connecting with others across racial lines to agitate for justice. I say "fuck that." The owning class is dragging us down into the toilet and blaming Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color. We need to build solidarity.