I grew up in the Lutheran church and I miss it. I just don't have faith in that specific higher power. Part of what turns me off to organized religion is that each religion claims to have a monopoly on being right about the spiritual world. I don't know what to believe. And I don't think that me believing in something makes a difference to the something. But it might make a difference in me. I know people of faith who are serene in their faith. I would like that, but I don't have it. I also think that the community that people find around faith is important to them, and I don't have that either. On some level, I am upset at monotheism in general because it divorces the spiritual from place. In monotheism God is the same God everywhere, which removes all the spirituality from the specific places and living and non-living beings. That is a problem for me, and I suppose I would be happiest with a faith that was place-based. Thanks for this essay!