Farm Friday, October 7th, 2022
Garlic is in!
We hit another marker of the fall season. Our garlic is planted. We had a class of elementary students out today and they planted garlic and harvested pumpkins. They finished neither project and since we are looking at some cold nights this weekend, my co-workers and I finished planting and loading all the squash and pumpkins into the greenhouse. I’m tired now, but glad both of those projects are done.
It was a good week of harvesting on the farm. We had our annual Harvest Fest on Saturday, with hayrides, cider pressing, and pick-your-own pumpkins. Then on Tuesday, we had our weekly market, with the end of the summer produce holding strong alongside the peak of the fall produce. This week we made close to $4000 for the school selling produce—one of our best weeks ever.
I published an essay about my school trip with 56 Junior High students. It includes two long add-ons: one a speech I never gave to the group and the other an explanation of Montessori for adolescents. The essay holds up without the asides, but I like tangents, so there.
I have been thinking about entering another Vocal Media challenge. I want to win this time, so I am busy psyching myself out of even trying.