Farm Friday, December 8th, 2023
Student takeover of photos
My week has been full of work with Junior High students. They arrived on Monday, and today is Saturday (yes, I know this is a day late), and we have been working a bunch.
We have been harvesting popcorn, shelling the dry corn we have from previous years, and grinding corn into cornmeal. We have been threshing and sorting beans. We have been working to put in a new fence for a winter pasture. We have been splitting firewood. We have been cutting blackberry canes from the sledding hill. We have been hauling chicken bedding and sheep bedding to the compost pile. And more.
In addition, we have oriented the students to the farm and kept everyone fed with homemade delicious food.
It seems only fitting that I should highlight some student photos this week. We did a lesson on nature photography and they took some lovely shots. This first section is all JH students’ photos.
The following photos are from my phone: