Farm Friday, April 14th, 2023
Instant Spring!
Last Sunday we had such a warm day that we dyed Easter eggs outside on the deck with our neighbors. There was snow everywhere in the woods, but a little section of their deck had been cleared for our activity. It just got warmer and warmer every day since then. We hit record temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday, both in the 80s.
On Monday we collected sap in the woods. We were running around in t-shirts, while the snow was melting all around us. By Thursday there was no snow left at all in the woods. It was like that scene from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe where Spring came on all at once and stopped the witch’s sled.
We also started our greenhouse on Monday, bringing plants over from our neighbor’s greenhouse, where they had been growing since the first week of March. It was an instant greenhouse for us, in the middle of an instant Spring.
Greenhouse work was all-consuming this week. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today, we potted on tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and herbs to bigger pots and started dozens more trays of plants for our plant sale. So now our greenhouse is almost full and we need to start making our overflow space ready for plants. What a difference a week of heat makes!
In writing news, there is no news. But I did read Babel by R.F. Kuang. Looking forward to writing about it.
© 2023 Andrew Gaertner. All rights reserved.
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