Member-only story
Chapter 17 — In a Tizzy to Hear From Benjamin
A serial novel in the form of correspondence among a family while the world as we know it collapses around us. I recommend you start at the Introduction:
But you can start anywhere you want.
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Website Chatbox (Translated from Bulgarian):
Dear Dad,
Great news! I’m crying right now! We got a letter from Benji! He and his friends are in a prison camp in northern Minnesota, and they were able to smuggle a letter out with a guard. She went to great personal peril to hand deliver the letter yesterday. We have 48 hours to get a letter ready to send back to Benji; we will meet the guard in the park tomorrow morning before she goes back up north. I hope you get this and can respond before we see her. I know Benji would love to hear from you and Mom.
He and his friends are alive, although they are cold and hungry much of the time. Here is his letter:
[the letter was transcribed here]
According to the letter, he is at a former environmental education camp. I looked up the camp location on my paper map, and Benji is right — it is not very far from the Canadian border. That is so far away!
It looks like it has been a week since he last wrote. I hope he knows by now that World War III hasn’t quite started yet. What does your English…