All is well. Thanks for asking. I went to Honduras for two weeks and didn't bring my computer or have an interest in writing while there. I came back ready to write, but have instead been reading a lot. I keep coming up with story ideas, but I can't seem to start writing them. I haven't had much excitement around the farm photos either. We are in the middle of the warmest winter on record and everything is brown and wet and it is depressing because climate change is here and it will only get worse. I also feel a sort of deep despair about Palestine/Israel and Ukraine and immigration and homelessness and inequality, and I want to write about it but I think I need to find my sense of hope in order to write. I would do Farm Friday out of habit and once the habit was broken it is hard to find motivation. And my local paper editor told me she only wants a genealogy column every other month, and I start to think that maybe I should just quit that. Well, maybe everything is not entirely OK, but I have my health and our cats are settling into our little family. I'll get back on the horse soon.